Add Live Chat to Microsoft Teams

You can add Live Chat to any Microsoft Teams account so you can provide customer service right from your team.  If you haven't yet added the application to your team, you can follow these steps.

Prefer a video tutorial?  Here's how to Add Live Chat to Teams in 5 minutes:

1.  Add a Live Chat tab to your selected Team

Go to the team and channel you'd like to add Live Chat to, then click the + button at the top of the channel.  Make sure this channel is public as Teams does not allow bot interaction in private channels. 

You can also use this link:  Add Live Chat to Teams.

Then search for and select 'Live Chat' in the app market:

Not seeing our 'Live Chat' app in the Teams App Market? Make sure to check your Teams Policy File to verify the 3rd party apps are enabled.

Select the Add button:

Then, sign in to your Microsoft account.  This will use the current account you've used to sign into Teams with:

Please note that if you've already sign up for Social Intents with a different email address, and are now adding it directly to teams, you may be creating an additional account.  We can merge them on our side if this is the case so just contact us to do this.

Now go to your Posts in your team and mention @Live Chat in a message

Go ahead and say hi to our chat bot in your Channel that you've just set up.  As long as we respond to you, then we are receiving your messages in this channel.

2. Add Live Chat to your personal workspace.

Next add live chat using the 3 horizontal dots in the left sidebar.  Click the side bar then search for Live Chat in the search menu.

Select Add to add it to your workspace if it's not already there:

That's it!  You should be all set and see some welcome messages in your Team.