How to Add Live Chat Agent Photos in Webex
If you use Webex to live chat with your website visitors, you can easily add custom live chat agent photos to your agent profile so that your visitors will see your custom photos versus an avatar photo.
Step 1. Add Live Chat to Webex
The first step is to verify you've added the Live Chat bot to Webex. You can do this by inviting to any Space in Webex. You can see details in this article: How to Add Live Chat to Webex.
Once you have your Live Chat added to Webex, you can invite individuals to your Space where you added Live Chat in order for your live chat agents to be able to respond to live chats right in Webex. Just invite any member to the Space who you want to also receive the chat requests on new inbound live chats in Webex.
Step 2. Set up Your Account Login Details
Next, go ahead and login to your live chat settings at Your login email address will be the same as the email address you login with to Webex. If you originally added the to your Webex account, then you will be the owner of the account and already have a login. We send you a welcome email after you add the bot.
If you are a member of the Webex Space but did not initially add the Live Chat application to Webex, then you can simply DM the live chat bot by inviting in your Webex account directly. Once you've DM'd the live chat bot, you'll see it listed in your account as below. We will create you automatically as an Agent in the Social Intents live chat account on our end once you do this.
Now simply login with the Activation email we send you. If you didn't receive the activation email, you can just send yourself a password reset using this page:
Step 3. Upload your Agent Photo to your Agent Settings
Now once you login, you can click on the profile icon on the top right of the Dashboard. These will be your agents settings. Simply choose a photo to upload then click Upload Image to upload your new Agent Photo.
Now when you respond to live chats in Webex, we'll automatically display this photo. Note that your Live Chat agent photo can be separate from your default Webex photo. Here's an example of a custom agent photo on the website live chat from Webex.