Add Live Chat to Webex

You can add Live Chat to any Webex account with our new Webex Live Chat bot.  It's as easy as inviting the to any Webex Space or Direct Message.  Once you do this, you'll be able to chat with your website visitors right from Webex.  This article will show you how to quickly add live chat to your Webex account.

1.  Add a Live Chat tab to your selected Space

You can add the to any Space that you want to be able to chat with your website visitors on.  

Simply use this link to add the Live Chat Webex Bot to Webex: Add Live Chat Bot +

You can also go into your Webex App and select the Space you want to chat in.  Then select People and enter our address in the 'Add People to this Space' field.

Once you enter the name, click the 'Add' button. 

That's it!  Your chat bot is added to Webex and your account is created in Social Intents.

2.  Grab Code Snippet from the Welcome Message

Once you add the chat bot, we'll send you a Welcome message in the Space you just added the Live Chat bot to.  This will include some helpful links on getting started.  

In the Welcome card, you'll notice a script tag in the welcome message.  This is the code snippet that you would include in your website to enable live chat on your web page.  If you use WordPress you can also use our WordPress plugin to enable the live chat.

By default, when you include the code snippet on your website the Live Chat will looks like this:

You can customize the colors, logo, pre-sales, questions, and all text for your needs by going to your Chat Settings in your Live Chat embedded app settings.   Continue reading to see how to access your Social Intents Live Chat Dashboard.

3.  Activate Your Account

We will send you an email once you add the live chat bot to your Webex Space that includes an Activate button.  Click this to set up your credentials for logging into your Live Chat app dashboard .

Simply click Activate to complete this set up and have access to all of your Live Chat settings in one dashboard.

4.  Add the Embedded Live Chat app to Webex

Now you can customize your Live Chat settings right within an Embedded app tab.

Use this link to add the Live Chat Embedded App to Webex: Add Live Chat App +

Or click the '+ Apps' button within Webex to add an embedded app in your Space.

Choose the Live Chat app from the list of embedded Webex Apps.

Once you add the embedded app, you'll see the following screen.  From here just click 'Add to tab' to add the app as a new Tab in your Webex Space.

Sign In to your Live Chat Account

Now you have Live Chat as a new tab in your Webex Space.  Use your email and password that you set up when activating your account to login.

After signing in you'll see your Live Chat console where you can answer chats, view your chat Dashboard for high level reports, or modify your Chat Settings.

5.  Send yourself a test live chat

Choose the 'Try a Chat' button in the Welcome invite to send a test live chat to your Webex space.   This will open a preview page to test out the live chat without having to deploy it to your website.

Once you start a chat from this page, you'll see a chat request right in Webex.

Once you start a chat from the Preview page, you'll see a live chat invite message sent to Webex.

To answer the chat, simply click either Accept in Direct Messages or Join with @Live Chat messages.  If you Join with @Live Chat Messages, you can reply right within the Spaces as a Thread reply.  Make sure to mention @Live Chat in each response in this case.

If you'd rather not mention the bot in each response, you can click 'Accept in Direct Messages'.  This will move the live chat form the shared Space to DM's.  In this scenario, you can reply to the message thread without mentioning the chat bot.

All Set!  You're not chatting with your visitors from Webex.