Add Live Chat to your Weebly site

Live chat for Weebly is one of the easiest ways you can improve your site, increase your business, and make sure people don't leave your page.  With our live chat plugin for Weebly you can answer chats right from the collaboration tools you already use like Microsoft Teams and Slack.

Here are 4 easy steps to enable live chat right on your Weebly website.  

1.  Log in to your Weebly account and click Edit Site.

2. From the main tab bar, click on Settings.

3. Click on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

This is where you can add your code snippet right into the Footer code section of Weebly.

3. Copy your Live Chat code snippet. 

Just grab your code snippet right from your Social Intents dashboard. You can find your code snippet here.

4. Paste your Live Chat code where it says Footer Code.

Click Save, and then click Publish in the upper right corner.

Your Weebly website will now include the live chat plugin.