Not Receiving New Live Chat Posts in your Team?
If you're not receiving new Live Chat requests in your Team and Channel that you've set up in Microsoft Teams, you can check a couple things to make sure your configuration is correct.
Add a Live Chat Tab to Each Team you want to chat in
First make sure you've added the Live Chat tab to EACH Team and Channel you want to receive chats in. As you can see below, we've added our Live Chat tab to our Live Chat Inbound --> General Channel. Also, please make sure that the Channel is Public. Teams doesn't allow bot interaction on private channels.
Once you do this, mention our @Live Chat bot in the Posts in your channel and make sure that we respond.
Verify you've selected a Team in the Route Chats to Team dropdown field in your Chat Settings
Next, check that you've configured your Live Chat widget to route to this Team and Channel that you've set up. From the left side bar, click the horizontal 3 dots and select the Live Chat app to get your to your chat settings. If you haven't added the Live Chat app to your personal settings yet, click the 'More Apps' link that is displayed when clicking the horizontal dots, and search for Live Chat in the app marketplace.
Once in your app settings, choose the Chat Settings, then General Link. Then select your team in the Route Chats to Team drop down.
If you don't see your Channel show in this dropdown yet, first make sure your channel is Public. We can't route to private channels. Next click the Refresh Teams button at the bottom of this page to force a resync.
Still Not Seeing your Team? Try to Remove and Re-Add the Live Chat Tab to your Public Channel
If after a few minutes, you still don't see your channel listed, you can remove and re-add your Live Chat tab to the Channel in question, or you can try to create a new Team and make sure you see that listed after refreshing. Sometimes the channel sync can take a few minutes.
Lastly, you can create a new Team and public channel and add the Live Chat Tab here again. Sometimes this can help to sync the settings.