Proactive Live Chat Invites

What is a Proactive Live Chat Invite?

Proactive live chat invites let you automatically show a small popup window to your visitors based on your rules.  This allows you to ask a question without the need for manual intervention on your part.

Here's an example from our website:


How do I set up a Proactive Chat Invite?

It's super easy to set up on our website.  If you haven't already, register for an account or login to our website.  Then go to My Apps --> Edit Live Chat Settings

On the Customize Text tab, you'll see a field called 'Proactive Popup Message'.  Fill in the text you'd like to see when the popup is triggered here.

Next, go to your Targeting Tab to set up when to trigger your message.

Set the Action field to "Always Show Tab, Show Popup on Match".

Then choose when to trigger the popup with "After Time on Page".  You can even set the popup to trigger as visitors are leaving your website!

That's it!  Keep in mind that we only trigger the proactive chat invite once per browser session as part of our best practices.

Triggering Proactive Invites using our SDK

You can also use our Javascript SDK to trigger custom messages and custom handling of the popup messages on each of your pages.

Here's an example call to trigger the proactive invite using Javascript:
