How to Add AI to your Website

In this article we're going to show you how you can add AI to your website with an AI Chatbot trained on your business data.  The AI chatbot is customizable, can use the latest AI models, and can be used as an addition to your human agents for live chat support.

With your ChatGPT enabled website live chat, you can customize the live chat pre-sales page, welcome questions, colors, and logos, as well as handoff chats to your human agents based on keywords.  Easily escalate these live chats to your team in Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom, or Webex.

This article will guide you through the process of adding AI to your website, from understanding its role in offering great customer service to implementing flexible ChatGPT for other areas of your business to help you get started with AI.

Here are some things you can do with AI added to your website:

  • Pre-qualify your leads with a chatbot
  • Choose your ChatGPT AI model
  • Train ChatGPT on your website content, articles, files, spreadsheets, PDFs, and knowledge base
  • Set up initial System messages for the ChatGPT API
  • Setup Human Escalation Trigger phrases that will invite agents to your visitor conversations
  • Send links to important URLs
  • Register leads to your service with a chatbot
  • Direct your website visitors to website information with a chatbot

ChatGPT Bot embedded in your website

Here's a step by step guide to creating your first website chatbot with ChatGPT and Social Intents


High Level Steps

  1. Create your OpenAI API Key after registration
  2. Sign up for a Social Intents free trial account
  3. Add your OpenAI API Key to your Social Intents chatbot settings.
  4. Customize your AI on your website
  5. Copy your Chatbot code snippet to your website

Let's get started!

1.  Create your OpenAI account

The first step to adding AI to your website is to create an OpenAI account.

Once logged in to OpenAI, click on your profile and select 'View API keys'

Now create a new API Key to use in your Social Intents Chatbot Settings for integration.

Finally, make sure to set up your billing information in OpenAI as they are now requiring a pre-payment of some amount to get started using their AI.

2. Sign up for a Social Intents Free Trial Account

Now, if you don't already have an account with Social Intents, simply register for a Free Trial to give your website AI chatbot a go.

Once you choose to signup, you'll see the option to add an integration.

Choose the 'Create a ChatGPT Chatbot' option to set up your Chatbot and train the AI chat on your data.  In the next step, you'll see the training page as part of the signup process.  

3. Add your OpenAI API Key to Social Intents

On your 'Create a chatbot' page, add your OpenAI API key to the setup and then we'll set up your training data.

You can train the website AI on your website url by adding your website url to the training data and clicking Add.  We will crawl your website content and add individual pages to the training content.  When you have added the urls, pdfs, spreadsheet data, or Word docs you want the chatbot to use in it's responses to your customers, click the Train All button at the bottom of this page.

You can always add more training data and modify any of the settings later on.

After training, then click Next to complete your AI Chatbot set up.

Here you have your code snippet that you can add directly to your website to add the AI to your website directly.  Just include this code snippet anywhere in the body of your html template.  You can also use a standalone url to link directly to the chat from a button or link anywhere on your website page.

4. Customize your AI on your website

Now you can customize your AI Chatbot Welcome text with a Default Welcome Response, and Quick Reply buttons to help direct your users.

The Human Escalation trigger phrases can be used to match on user intent when they want to reach to a live agent.  When one of these phrases is matched, we invite your human agents by sending Live Chat Invites to Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom, or Webex.

Once your agents answer the chats, then the bot drops out of the conversation.

Make sure to customize the ChatGPT Instruction Phrases to point to your website url to help guide ChatGPT on the types of answers to provide.

Want more info on Chatbot Settings?

If you'd like more details on each Chatbot Settings field, you can check out this article:

5.  Copy your Chatbot Code Snippet to your Website

Now just copy the Live Chat code snippet to your website to enable the ChatGPT chat on your site.

Grab your code and add to your html template:

Key Takeaways

  • AI chatbots can improve customer experience by providing quick and accurate responses to inquiries, reducing the overall customer service workload.
  • Getting started with AI on your website is straightforward with tools like Social Intents, which offer easy integration and training on your website content.
  • AI chatbots can be configured in various ways, including fully automated bots with human escalation, hybrid agent-AI chatbots, and multilingual support.
  • While AI has the potential to significantly reduce the time spent by customer service agents, a hybrid model combining AI with human expertise is often the most effective.
  • Implementing AI chatbots involves creating a live chat widget, connecting to AI tools like ChatGPT, and customizing features to fit your website's needs.

That's it!  Your AI Chatbot is now added on your website!

Now your website chatbot powered by ChatGPT is enabled on your website and is ready to answer your visitor questions!

Key Takeaways

  • AI chatbots can improve customer experience by providing quick and accurate responses to inquiries, reducing the overall customer service workload.
  • Getting started with AI on your website is straightforward with tools like Social Intents, which offer easy integration and training on your website content.
  • AI chatbots can be configured in various ways, including fully automated bots with human escalation, hybrid agent-AI chatbots, and multilingual support.
  • While AI has the potential to significantly reduce the time spent by customer service agents, a hybrid model combining AI with human expertise is often the most effective.
  • Implementing AI chatbots involves creating a live chat widget, connecting to AI tools like ChatGPT, and customizing features to fit your website's needs.

Get Started with AI on your website today!

Start your 14-Day Free trial at Social Intents to add ChatGPT to your website in under 5 minutes.  It's as simple as adding your OpenAI API Key into your chatbot settings!