ChatGPT Errors on Chatbot

In this article we'll cover some common error messages you may see when setting up your ChatGPT Chatbot.  Here's an overview of the types of errors you may see when setting up the ChatGPT integration with live chat.

  • Error calling OpenAI API. Invalid API Key.
  • OpenAI API Error. Invalid API Key.
  • OpenAI API Error.  You exceeded your current quota
  • Missing OpenAI API Key or OpenAI Payment Setup
  • The server encountered an error.

These messages are Social Intents response messages and the ChatGPT errors themselves may be slightly different.  We'll assume that you've gone through the ChatGPT integration setup to add ChatGPT to your website following these directions:

Error calling OpenAI API. Invalid API Key.

After setting up your ChatGPT integration for live chat you may encounter this issue if you haven't added your OpenAI API key.  Here's what your Chatbot response may look like when you start a chat when your OpenAI API Key is missing.

ChatGPT Error API

To Fix this problem, first head over to and create a new OpenAI API Key:

Next, once you create your Open API key, also verify that you've set up a Payment Method in OpenAI here:

The ChatGPT Chat Completions API will not function without entering a payment method and will continue to error until you add a payment method.

OpenAI Payment Info

Finally, add your Open AI API Key to your chatbot settings as below in the ChatGPT API Key field in the Chatbot Settings tab

OpenAI API Error: Invalid OpenAI API Key

The next error you may receive is when you go to the Training link for content in your Chatbot settings where it says 'Train Your Chatbot'.  You may find you get the error:  "OpenAI API Error.  Invalid API Key"

In this case, head back to your Chatbot settings and verify that the API Key you set up is valid and also that you've set up billing payment information in OpenAI.

OpenAI API Error.  You exceeded your current quota

This is a common error you may receive from the ChatGPT API response if you have not set up a Payment Method in OpenAI.  This will typically happen when training your articles after clicking Train all on your content or Train on a web page or article.

Just add a payment method in OpenAI to avoid this error.

Missing OpenAI API Key or OpenAI Payment Setup

When training your chatbot with your website content you may see these errors in the response status.  This means that either you haven't entered a valid OpenAPI key into your chatbot settings or that you have not yet added a payment method inside of OpenAI.  

The chat API will not work if you have not added any payment methods into your OpenAI account.  So even if you have added a valid key, make sure to add a payment method to your OpenAI account.

Add a Payment Method in OpenAI to avoid this error.

The server encountered an error

You may encounter this particular error message in the chatbot every now and then.  This is a result of a generic error response back from OpenAI and tends to happen when ChatGPT is out of capacity or having other issues.  It typically resolves within a few minutes and it may be helpful to check the OpenAI API status if you repeatedly receive this message: